In a Broccoli Sauce!
«In a broccoli sauce!» narrates the adventures of a little dog, Jennie, who had everything a domestic animal could want but who, without really knowing why, decides one day to leave the house where she lived, surrounded by comforts that were unusual for her. Suspecting that beyond her home there would be a more interesting life and, pursuing her aspirations, she decides to undertake a journey full of adventures, live new experiences and fulfill her dream: to become the main actress of the Teatro do Mundo da Mãe Gansa. Another classic by Sendak, the author of "Where the Wild Things Are".
Author: Maurice Sendak
Illustration: Maurice Sendak
Publisher: Kalandraka
Dimensions: 174 x 176 x 12mm
Pages: 72
Recommended age: +4 years
National Reading Plan: 6-8 years old / 9-11 years old
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