KIDS FASHION. By Ana Dias Ferreira
This children's fashion! Son, can I borrow your clothes?
Everything small is funny. I already knew this before becoming a mother, what I wasn't expecting was to realize that my one and a half year old son already has nicer clothes than mine. I'm not kidding. Those little drawers and mini hangers fit a huge world called children's fashion. A world where “little pink” and “blue” and everything that smells like talcum powder have been dethroned by a graphic universe exploding with colors, design and creativity, where it makes you want to ask, with each new collection or collaboration: “ sorry, does this exist in my size?”.
Now this is the fun part. Often, and increasingly, it even exists. It is a recent trend in which brands that were born to dress children have become such a phenomenon that they have grown – in this case literally – and started to dress their parents as well. The examples are enough to fill a fitting room and include some of my favorite labels: Tiny Cottons, Bobo Choses , Bonton, Wolf & Rita or Cherry Papaya , the most recent case of a brand made in Portugal that extended the offer from three months to XL, at the request of several families.
We are not talking about having adults dressed in superhero t-shirts or tulle skirts, because these brands are much more than that. They are brands for children designed with so much originality and good taste that they end up bringing some desire for renewal to our own closet – if it still has any. Between the enthusiasm of the first pieces and the change of seasons in a body full of life that doesn't stop growing (read: changing size), what is true is that since I'm a mother I spend more time looking at clothes for the my son than for me. It's just one more concession in the middle of another 1235, so I'm grateful that there's some candy in between. Furthermore, I confess that I find this “like son, like mother” completely unexpected and amusing, for inverting the usual order of things. With an added grace: it is completely family friendly and crystallizes the very idea of family as a united clan. In health, in sickness and in the closet.