Free Children? Artistic Education in Childhood
To be a child is to be a Giant!
Being a child is having the gift of looking at life as it is. It is seeing reality with simplicity, joy and an enthusiasm that is born with it.
The child is born with a tireless desire for good, truth, beauty, sharing and justice.
A child trusts things simple and clear. She has an enormous desire to learn and marvel at the reality and beauty that surrounds her.
As adults, parents and educators, we have a duty to present a path. A path with several directions, several ways of looking and ways of choosing. A path filled with truth, wisdom and sharing, with stimuli and challenges that teach them to want to walk with more joy.
It is necessary to educate the look, experiment, question, understand... and turn this experience into wisdom to share with others, risking creating a first relationship with reality.
It is necessary, given the beauty of the world, to give the child the freedom to express himself, and be recognized and welcomed as he is, respecting his individuality without prejudice.
Providing the adventure of knowledge, without pretensions, gives them the freedom to grow free, confident, accomplished and capable. Artistic education allows them to build that same freedom and enhances their ability to express themselves and emotions.
“Visual culture from childhood will form critical people “with the ability to read, understand, respect and care for heritage and, moreover, possibly who will be in charge of renovating it.”
In a world full of history, traditions, cultural diversity, peoples and beliefs, art makes us more receptive, tolerant, open and sensitive to appreciate and care for it!
Looking back, the arts appear with Man in prehistory , as a way of expressing and representing, in his own way, the experiences lived in his day-to-day life. Whether through painting, sculptures or even their costumes, these records tell us their way of living, thinking and understanding the world. Attentive to stimuli and life, each event was recorded as a way of communicating and telling a story, proving, as it is today, that characteristics such as discipline, creativity, imagination and a critical sense help to communicate, increase cultural and historical learning. of children and the world!
All of these capacities enhance the healthy and adjusted development of each child on their path of growth.
Concentration and logic , enhances the ability to solve math problems.
When drawing, children work on scale, proportion, memory and relationship with the environment.
The development of gross and fine motor skills, and imagination, develop symbols and letters, awakening interest in reading and writing. An interest that later, throughout learning, turns into books with stories to tell.
A drawing, a painting, an image, a song can express many emotions: joy, friendship, sadness, memories, fears... Each part of a drawing describes these emotions, either by color, by the size of the characters or even by filling .
Through art, children express their world and their vision and it is up to us to be attentive, to see and to stimulate this capacity for expression.
Arts such as music, dance, theater, painting and even the plastic arts that we so much propose today, develop our motor skills, fantasies and emotions integrated into a conscious understanding of the world that surrounds us and of which we are a part.
Art transforms this conscious understanding of the world into a multicultural sharing that accompanies us throughout our history!
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